“When I think about the amount of work, trusted relationships and sweat equity it took to pass bills, it is clear to me that Marianna, who has a proven record, should be the one to represent you... and me.  No one will outwork Marianna.”

Representative Gail Chasey, House Majority Leader

“I’ve watched Marianna lead the charge on protecting providers and patients in this state when it comes to abortion access and gender-affirming care. Her collaborative approach, fearless advocacy, and knowledge of the issues has helped move our state forward and protect pregnant people’s access to the full range of health care options.” 

Dr. Eve Espey, OBGYN

“Marianna is someone who can have complex conversations about community safety and find practical solutions to protect families. I trust her to center people of color and LGBTQ communities when we arrive at solutions together.”

John Allen
Bernalillo County Sheriff

“As a business owner in HD18, I appreciate that Marianna brought us into the conversation about Paid Family and Medical Leave and helped us understand how it would help our small business. It’s comforting to know that my voice will be listened to in Santa Fe” 

Mona Lee Borrego, Co-Owner, Prisma Hair Co.